Various Types of Ferris Wheels for Sale in Nigeria and Where to Buy One

Are you searching for information on different types of Ferris wheels for sale in Nigeria? Do you have a fixed budget? Are you aware of the major manufacturers in this industry? Have you finalized the features you want?

People love Ferris wheels. If you have an amusement park, the Ferris wheel is always going to be one of the biggest attractions. There is something thrilling about going on and on in a Ferris wheel.

However, not all Ferris wheels are created equal. If you’re looking for one for your amusement park, it is important for you to understand the difference between different types and how to go about buying one.amusement ferris wheel factory

Different types of Ferris wheels

While all Ferris wheels look the same and operate on the same principle, there is still a lot of difference in different types. The major difference is the wheel diameter or the total height of the Ferris wheel. The bigger the wheel diameter, the bigger the wheel is going to be.

Obviously, it will also increase the seating capacity. For instance, a Ferris wheel with a diameter of around 70m is typically capable of having around 50 cabins which should give it a total seating capacity of around 200 people as each cabin is typically capable of seating four people.

65m ferris wheel manufacturersThe total diameter of the Ferris wheel also affects the time it takes to complete one complete rotation. The larger the diameter, the more time it is going to take for the complete rotation.

There are also smaller Ferris wheels available for sale. These are typically meant for children as children obviously get scared on bigger wheels.

How to choose the right manufacturer?

Now that you know about the different types of Ferris wheels available for sale in Nigeria, you must be wondering how you should go about choosing the right amusement rides manufacturer in Nigeria. In this section, we will cover various parameters you need to consider to choose the right one.

The most important factor you need to focus on is the safety of the riders. You wouldn’t want to deal with a manufacturer that is completely new to the industry and may not have the required design experience.

While smaller Ferris wheels meant for kids are manufactured by several theme park rides companies, not every company selling these wheels is capable of designing bigger Ferris wheels for adults. This is why you need to make sure that they have an existing safety record and their installations are already operational across the globe.

You also need to worry about after sales service. After all, a Ferris wheel requires extensive maintenance on a regular basis to ensure that it remains safe for the riders. The company representatives should be willing to train your operators on taking care of various components. Also, they should be available for regular servicing and maintenance, as and when needed.

Don’t choose a company based only on the initial price. Make sure they have proper experience and reputation in the industry.


Overall, various types of Giant Ferris wheels for sale in Nigeria. You should choose one based on your specific requirements. When it comes to choosing a manufacturer, pay special attention to their experience in the industry, safety aspects and overall quality of the final product to make the right choice.

If necessary, please check out here to buy self-control kiddie plane rides: